Keensert installation instructions

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Keensert installation instructions

On this page, you may find the Keensert installation Instructions and Keensert removal instructions.
All Keensert are created in the same manner, which means that the Keensert installation instructions and Keensert removal instructions apply to all Keensert products.
If you have issues installing or removing your Keensert product, according to these Keensert installation instructions or Keensert removal instructions, you might not have the genuine Keensert product.

See also installation instructions for Clinserts

Kindly note that these are merely the Keensert installation instructions and Keensert removal instructions.
For more details on which tools you require for the installation of your Keensert, please visit the product page of that Keensert.

Keensert installation instructions

Keensert installation instructions - step 1

Keensert installation instructions – step 1

Drill the hole or drill out the old thread with a standard drill
apply a chamfer if required
The required dimensions can be found on the product page of the specific Keensert you wish to install.

Keensert installation instructions - step 2

Keensert installation instructions – step 2

Tap the new thread with a standard tap.
The required dimensions can be found on the product page of the specific Keensert you wish to install.

Keensert installation instructions - step 3

Keensert installation instructions – step 3

Install the Keensert by screwing it into the new thread.
You can do this by hand, but by using the installation tool, you will be sure that the Keensert is inserted sufficiently.

Keensert installation instructions - step 4

Keensert installation instructions – step 4

Drive in the kees of the Keensert with the installation tool.
For inserts, the back side of the installation tool is used to drive them in.
For studs, the bottom rim is used to drive them in.


Questions? Contact an engineer


Keensert removal instructions

Keensert removal instructions - step 1

Keensert removal instructions – step 1

Use a standard drill to remove the insert material between the kees.
The required dimensions can be found on the product page of the specific Keensert you wish to remove.

Keensert removal instructions - step 2

Keensert removal instructions – step 2

Deflect the freed kees inwards and break them off.

Keensert removal instructions - step 3

Keensert removal instructions – step 3

Remove the Keensert by the means of a EZ-out tool or similar tool.

Keensert removal instructions - step 4

Keensert removal instructions – step 4

An identical Keensert as the removed one can now be installed in the original hole.
No re-work is required in order to install the Keensert in place.

Questions? Contact an engineer






Keenserts is a registered brand name from