
Keenserts are used in alloys, light materials, steel and cast iron to increase the strength of the thread in these materials. They can be used for thread repair, if the defected thread has to be replaced with the same nominal diameter. Keenserts are standard available in stainless steel and have 2 or 4 pre-assembled kees according to the dimensions. After installation of the kees into the parent material the assembly is form-closed. No check with a thread gauge according to DIN standard is possible in the area of the kees. Due to these kees Keenserts have a positive lock against rotation and vibration. KeensertInserts give high strength joints in low strength materials.

Typical applications are transmission housings, electronic equipment and suspension units. Keenserts inserts are divided in 3 major families: - Miniature Keensert - Lightweight Keensert - Heavy duty Keensert There are always 2 versions available of a Keensert: the standard version or the locking version. Keenserts are also available in kits. Each kit contains a certain amount of Keensert. Each Keensert has its own installation tool which are also available at Anemo engineering. It is possible to purchase complete tooling sets, which contain all required tools for installation.  Carbon steel keenserts are no longer manufactured but have been replaced by keyserts a sister company of camloc is making them, advised minimum quantity = 500 pieces (carbon steel C1215 or equivalent ; kees are stainless steel)

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Miniature KeensertLightweight  KeensertsHeavy duty Keensert

Keensert KitsKeensert Installation tools


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