Camloc latches - V917L & 1449L Series

max tensile strength up to 3.600 N; working load up to 2.700 N
Strenght values depend on the latch strike combination, details on the specific product pages
Adjustable drawhook
Available with secondary lock and hasp


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V917L01-1-1* - Open base latchV17L12-1-1AA - High base latchV917L01-1X* - Open base latch with secondary lockV17L12-2X1AA - High base latch with secondary lock

V917L01-1Y1* - Open base latch with hasp1449L02-1X1* - Curved surfaces latch with secondary lock


V917L11-1-* - Open strikeV951L50-* - Closed strike

V917L Latch installation dimensions

V917L Latch installation dimensions

1449L Latch installation dimensions

1449L Latch installation dimensions with V951L7 strike


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