What's the difference between V951L02-1-1AGV, V951L02-1-4AGV and V951L02-1-5AGV?

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What's the difference between V951L02-1-1AGV, V951L02-1-4AGV and V951L02-1-5AGV?


What differs the part V951L02-1-1AGV and V951L02-1-4AGV is the diameter hole for the rivets.

V951L02-1-1AGV3.6 mm14.3 mm
V951L02-1-4AGV4.3 mm14.3 mm


The difference between V951L02-1-4AGV and V951L02-1-5AGV is in the length between the holes and a small difference in the diameter hole for the rivets:

V951L02-1-4AGV4.3 mm14.3 mm
V951L02-1-5AGV4.2 mm12.7 mm


The remaining properties remain the same for all three partnumbers, the same mechanical properties, as the material the parts are made of.


For any further questions, please contact us on info@anemo.eu
